American Academy of Pediatrics

Medicine Abuse Project

The AAP is a partner in this campaign, which was launched in 2012 by The Partnership at The Medicine Abuse Project aims to curb the abuse of medicine. The Web site houses a suite of comprehensive resources tailored to parents, health professionals, educators, and community leaders, to help them learn about and address the problem.

Poster on Safe Storage and Disposal of Medications

Available in both English and Spanish, this poster is meant to be hung in the pediatric office for families to see. It is designed specifically so that local resources can be written into the empty white space. The poster was disseminated at the 2017 National Conference and Exhibition, discussed in an October 2017 AAP News article, and is available upon request until quantities are depleted. Request copies here.

State and National Fact Sheets

Access state-by-state and national fact sheets that examine the intersection of the opioid epidemic, child welfare systems, and child health. These fact sheets also offer policy solutions that can support vulnerable children and families at both the state and federal level.

Training Simulations: Behavioral Health Intervention with Adolescents

These training simulations are free to AAP members and provide participants with effective brief intervention techniques for addressing substance use and mental health concerns with adolescents. The virtual simulations, developed by Kognito, strive to increase comfort and improve the quality of care, ultimately leading to positive patient behavioral change.
To access the course, go to
1. Create a new account
2. Follow the onscreen instructions
3. Choose your course
4. Click “LAUNCH”

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Join the AMA today and help us lead the effort
to reverse the nation’s opioid epidemic.